Zeros, Stacks, and Paranoia

A story about stacking keys and how to forget them.
published: 2024-01-12 | generated: 2024-03-09 | tagged: , , ,

Boring and OpenSSL have a lot of “hardware” implementations. Handwritten assembly routines for various algorithms and modes, targeting specific architectures and features. If you were to hazard a guess, would you say that used stack frames were typically explicitly zeroed, or just “discarded” (by resetting the stack pointer)?

At the time of this writing, I work at Intel. My current job has me porting hard things from one place to another, typically to AWS-LC, as my team is dedicated to co-engineering work with the folks at AWS. I’m not one of the people who intrinsically just knows how to do hard things (yet), but I am one of the people who can spend some time with an already done hard thing, learn how it works, and then can contribute to it, translate it, or whatever it is that needs to be done.

Most recently, we’ve been looking at the AVX-512 hardware implementation for XTSXOR-Encrypt-XOR Tweakable Block Cipher Stealing mode; an AES mode typically used for disk encryption.

. The question was, “where is the stack cleared?”

We can see that, at the beginning of the encryption routine, the incoming stack pointer is saved into rbp.

  $code .= "push         %rbp\n";
  $code .= "mov          %rsp,%rbp\n";
  $code .= "sub          \$VARIABLE_OFFSET,%rsp\n";
  $code .= "and          \$0xffffffffffffffc0,%rsp\n";
  $code .= "mov          %rbx,$GP_STORAGE($TW)\n";

Then, in the routine labeled ret, that pointer is restored to rsp. ret is a routine that is jumped to from several places in the main encryption routine upon completion. Searching for the label in its entirety (L_ret_${rndsuffix}) in this file turns up 27 resultsvzeroupper is a one-pass no-operand instruction that zeros the upper (i.e. most significant) half of the vector registers. This is a good start.


  $code .= <<___;
  mov    %rbp,%rsp
  pop    %rbp

This effectively “forgets” the frames used during the encryption routine, but the bits and bytes written to those frames remain until the stack grows back into them. And to make matters worse, in this case, it’s key material that is written into these frames. This of course could leave a vector of attack open for a malicious but intelligent attacker.

What could be more in need of paranoia than a libcrypto implementation?

When I traded emails with the original author of this XTS code—recall that I’m a porter not a knower—his response was that “a very paranoid implementation” may zero the used frames before discarding them. While this is a fair response out of context, what could be more in need of paranoia than a libcrypto implementation?

So yeah, we need to zero the stack here too. Given this is all a part of an AVX-512 implementation, we can make clever use of the SIMD instructions and vector registers to clear those frames, adding the following lines to this ret routine.

vpxor        %zmm0,%zmm0,%zmm0
# Zero-out the stack frames used for `key1`, 64 bytes at a time.
vmovdqa64    %zmm0,0x80(%rsp)
vmovdqa64    %zmm0,0xc0(%rsp)
vmovdqa64    %zmm0,0x100(%rsp)

# Stack usage is not divisible by 64, so we use a kmask register to
# only mov 48 of the bytes (6 quad-words).
mov       \x3f,$tmp1
kmovq     $tmp1,%k2
vmovdqa64 %zmm0,0x140(%rsp){%k2}

vmovdqa64 moves 512-bits (64 bytes) from the full-width SIMD register zmm0 to the location we specify with <offset>(%rsp) where those 64 bytes are thought of logically as 64-bit integers, AKA quad-words. Before those lines we self-exclusive-or zmm0. A self-exclusive-or’s result is always 0 because none of the bits are exclusive when they’re or’d with themselves. After that, we write zeros, 64 bytes at a time to the stack. The stack usage here isn’t evenly divisible by 64, so we use a mask register to tell this last instruction to only use the first 48 bytes of the register when doing its move. This is achieved by writing 0x3f, or written another way 0b_11_1111 (6 ones), into the mask register and then including that mask register with our invocation.

There were a few other places that needed some zeroing attention, but this is the most interesting part. And to answer the question I asked in the front matter of this post, well, it’s all of them. Or at least it is now.