Message Digest V

published: 2024-05-01 | generated: 2024-06-04 | tagged: ,

md5 replaces, you guessed it, md4—the series of which was created by Ronald Rivest, who is the R in RSA.


Let’s say our message is \(M\) whose length is \(l\).

  1. First \(M\) is divided into 512-bit blocks.

  2. Pad the final block, first with a single 1, then 0’s until the final block’s length is 448 bits (\(512 - 448\)), the last 64 bits are used to contain \(l\ \text{mod}\ 2^{64}\).

  3. Initialize 4 32-bit values (these constants come directly from the RFC that specifies MD5)I’m going to use Rust here instead of Haskell because bit twiddling in Haskell is no fun at all.


    const A: [u8; 4] = [0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67];
    const B: [u8; 4] = [0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef];
    const C: [u8; 4] = [0xfe, 0xdc, 0xba, 0x98];
    const D: [u8; 4] = [0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10];

    Wikipedia actually has these buffers as 32-bit hex values, in little endian form, e.g. A = 0x67452301. We can of course get there from here with a little bit fiddling:

    let mut a: u32 = A[0].into();
    a |= (A[1] as u32) << 8; 
    a |= (A[2] as u32) << 16; 
    a |= (A[3] as u32) << 24; 
  4. Next we define 4 functions

    // F(X,Y,Z) = XY v not(X) Z
    fn f(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> u32 {
        (x & y) | (!x & z)
    // G(X,Y,Z) = XZ v Y not(Z)
    fn g(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> u32 {
        (x & z) | (y & !z)
    // H(X,Y,Z) = X xor Y xor Z
    fn h(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> u32 {
        x ^ y ^ z
    // I(X,Y,Z) = Y xor (X v not(Z))
    fn i(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> u32 {
        y ^ (x | !z)

    And another constantWikipedia actually contains the precomputed table for \(T\), I’d imagine that most real-life implementations do the same.

    , a set \(T\), where \(T_i = 2^{32} * |\textbf{sin}(i)|\) and \(i = [1\ldots64]\).

  5. There is then 4 rounds of several permutations between 512-bit chunks of the payload, 32-bits at a time, members of the \(T\) set, and \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\), where the results of those rounds are accumulated in those variables; it’s all too long to type out here, to see the details of these rounds, click here.

  6. The final result is the concatenation of those 32-bit variables a into 128-bit hexadecimal value.

I have a non-optimized (both in terms of performance and in terms of the repetitive nature of handwriting an MD5 implementation) implementation in rust here, if you want to see the whole thing end-to-end.

Weird things I’ve come across so far

Not (x & y) | (!x & z) actually

\(F\), the function used in the first round, does the following: \((x \land y) \lor (\neg x \land z)\). At least…on paper. Implementations typically do this instead: \(z \oplus (x \land (y \oplus z))\). And it turns out these are the same thing.

The cool thing about the latter is that it’s only 3 operations—2 XORs and an AND—but also that it’s right-associative. It’s a fold. This means that the second set of operations can accumulate into a single register, while with the former needs a register for the LHS of the outer OR, and one for the RHS, after which an OR can be applied to the two.

AVX-512-ifying this

There are multiple lines of thinking to be done here, I’ll start with the simplest.


The instruction vpternlog[d|q] is a SIMD instruction that can do ternary operations on data in its operands. Intel has also been so kind as to provide implementations for the round functions above (\(F \ldots I\)), which are delineated by passing vpternlog one of these constants:

Function Expression Constant
\(F\) \((x \land y) \lor (\neg x \land z)\) 0xca
\(G\) \((x \land z) \lor (y \land \neg z)\) 0xe4
\(H\) \(x \oplus y \oplus z\) 0x96
\(I\) \(y \oplus (x \lor z)\) 0x39

So essentially what we need to do is load up x, y, and z into vectors and let vpternlog go at them to do these operations for us.

Current Implementation

Here’s the round 1 function.

# round1_step() does:
#   dst = x + ((dst + F(x,y,z) + X[k] + T_i) <<< s)
#   %r10d = X[k_next]
#   %r11d = z' (copy of z for the next step)
# Each round1_step() takes about 5.3 clocks (9 instructions, 1.7 IPC)
sub round1_step
    my ($pos, $dst, $x, $y, $z, $k_next, $T_i, $s) = @_;
    $code .= " mov	0*4(%rsi),	%r10d		/* (NEXT STEP) X[0] */\n" if ($pos == -1);
    $code .= " mov	%edx,		%r11d		/* (NEXT STEP) z' = %edx */\n" if ($pos == -1);
    $code .= <<EOF;
	xor	$y,		%r11d		/* y ^ ... */
	lea	$T_i($dst,%r10d),$dst		/* Const + dst + ... */
	and	$x,		%r11d		/* x & ... */
	xor	$z,		%r11d		/* z ^ ... */
	mov	$k_next*4(%rsi),%r10d		/* (NEXT STEP) X[$k_next] */
	add	%r11d,		$dst		/* dst += ... */
	rol	\$$s,		$dst		/* dst <<< s */
	mov	$y,		%r11d		/* (NEXT STEP) z' = $y */
	add	$x,		$dst		/* dst += x */

\(F\) is found in the lines (recall that it’s implemented as \(z \oplus (x \land (y \oplus z))\)).

	xor	$y,		%r11d		/* y ^ ... */
	and	$x,		%r11d		/* x & ... */
	xor	$z,		%r11d		/* z ^ ... */

AVX-512 Implementation Ideas

Basic vpternlog impl

An AVX-512 implementation would use the vector registers for A, B, C, and D, as opposed to %r11d, mask out everything but the bottom 32 bits, and then, I guess, use vadd instructions for the additions?

Parallel additions

These inner three additions (dst + F(x,y,z) + X[k] + T_i) could theoretically be done in parallel, if we can get the vectors set up in few enough instructions to make it worth doing this in parallel.