A few weeks ago, I finally got the massive RSA OpenSSL port merged
into AWS-LC, after a months-long effort of documenting, refactoring,
and justifying someone else’s decisionsYou may recall that this is code that was originally written
by Intel upon the release of Icelake in 2017, but it had never
been ported to BoringSSL, which is the ancestor of AWS-LC.
. The most difficult
part of the documentation process was
where a pretty wild optimization from the original AMM
paper needed to be
documented. It took me a few days to internalize it well enough to
know what exactly was going on, and how it corresponded to the
algorithm in the paper. On top of this, the extraction step of the
algorithm is implemented in
which, despite only being ~40 lines, is very abstruse. But, once I had
my bearings about me, I noticed an opportunity.
I. The Algorithm
What’s happening here is the modular exponentiation of very large
numbers, on the order of \(2^{1024}\) (in the least)RSA’s modulus is the product of two large primes \(p\) and
\(q\), we call that product \(n\). In RSA 2k, \(p\)’s and \(q\)’s
bit-width is 1024.
. These
exponentiations are done with Montgomery Multiplication, which I have
documented elsewhere. The part I want to cover here uses that
routine, but does further optimizations on top of that implementation
to make these massive exponentiation problems more tractable to do on
a computer. The paper calls this “w-ary exponentiation”.
In Detail
Compute \(a^b\) by windowing the bits of \(b\) into windows \(w\) of bit length \(l\).
Input: |
\(a\), \(b\) |
Return: |
\(a^b\) |
Formally, we’re computing
\[ \textbf{exp}(a, w) = \prod_{i=0}^{|w|} (a^{w_i})^{2^{li}} \]
Which is equivalent to \(a^b\).
- Precompute \(a^{[0 \ldots 2^l)}\), store the results in the table \(T\), indexed by the exponent.
- Initialize Result to \(1\).
- For each \(w_i\):
- Look up the result of \(a^{w_i}\) in \(T\), this is \(T_i\) (\(a^{w_i} = T_i\)).
- Square \(T_i\) \(li\) times, this is a temporary value we can call \(t\). This squaring is what accounts for the current window’s position in the whole of the larger exponent.
- Result is set to the current Result times \(t\).
We’ll use this method to solve \(5^{273}\) with \(l = 3\).
To begin, let’s ask Haskell to do this for us:
> 5^273
Yikes. Let’s just call that expected
> expected = 5^273 ghci
Now let’s window the exponent into 3-bit windows.
100 010 001
4 2 1
This means our reassembled exponentiation is
> :{
ghci| (1 * -- Initial value
ghci| ((5^1) ^ (2^(3*0))) * -- First window, 5^1 would be in the table.
ghci| ((5^2) ^ (2^(3*1))) * -- Second window, 5^2 would be in the table.
ghci| ((5^4) ^ (2^(3*2))) -- Third window, 5^4 would be in the table.
ghci| ) == expected
ghci| :}
II. The Opportunity
In the preamble to this post I linked to some perlasm code which constitutes the table lookup discussed in the previous section. This routine takes a pointer to the table and a pair of indices. The table is a nested array. The outer array holds the powers we’re looking for, and each inner array is the collection of 64-bit digits needed to represent that power. This particular implementation is looking up the power of two separate exponents because the larger routine is doing parallel exponentiations. For readability, I expanded and gently scrubbed the perlasm below, and added comments.
# set up our iterator.
%rip), %ymm24
vmovdqa64 .Lones(
# broadcast the indices
%rdx, %ymm22
vpbroadcastq %rcx, %ymm23
# put a pointer to the end of the table in rax.
10240(%rsi), %rax
# zero out ymm0
%xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
# zeroing out ymm21 and ymm[1-5,16-19]
%ymm0, %ymm21
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm1
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm2
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm3
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm4
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm5
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm16
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm17
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm18
vmovdqa64 %ymm0, %ymm19
.Lloop:# Check if our current index matches either of the given indices. When they
# match, k1 or k2 is a mask of all 1's.
$0, %ymm21, %ymm22, %k1
vpcmpq $0, %ymm21, %ymm23, %k2
# vpblend brings over the bytes from the table when the indices match, but
# leaves things in the destination register (because it is the same as the
# second source register) when the indices do not match.
%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 (%ymm20, %ymm0, %ymm0 {%k1}
vpblendmq 32(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm1, %ymm1 {%k1}
vpblendmq 64(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm2, %ymm2 {%k1}
vpblendmq 96(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm3, %ymm3 {%k1}
vpblendmq 128(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm4, %ymm4 {%k1}
vpblendmq 160(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm5, %ymm5 {%k2}
vpblendmq 192(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm16, %ymm16 {%k2}
vpblendmq 224(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm17, %ymm17 {%k2}
vpblendmq 256(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm18, %ymm18 {%k2}
vpblendmq 288(%rsi), %ymm20
vmovdqu64 %ymm20, %ymm19, %ymm19 {%k2}
# loop control. Increment each value in 21, bump the table pointer up, and
# make sure we haven't reached the end of the table.
%ymm24, %ymm21, %ymm21
vpaddq $320, %rsi
addq %rsi, %rax
jne .Lloop
# copy the extract results to the destination pointer.
%ymm0, (%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm1, 32(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm2, 64(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm3, 96(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm4, 128(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm5, 160(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm16, 192(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm17, 224(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm18, 256(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 %ymm19, 288(%rdi)
vmovdqu64 ret
If you’re anything like me, once you’ve internalized the details of the algorithm and understand the assembly above, you’ll also notice that what is happening here is pretty inefficient. If we were writing this in an imperative language, we’d probably do something like:
for i in range(n_windows):
if idx == i:
= table[i]
out break
Because once we’ve found what we’re looking for, we should stop looking! The opportunity we have here, though, is even better. The results in the table are ordered, so we can compute exactly where the power(s) we’re looking for is(are). Something like:
= table[idx * num_digits] out
Well, that implementation ends up looking like this:
# Copy the table pointer into %r11 so we can mess with it.
$red_tbl, %r11
# Calculate the offset for idx1
$320, %r10d
mov \$red_tbl_idx1, %r10d
# Bump the pointer
%r10, %r11
# Zero the temp register
%xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
# Copy to the result pointer
%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 (%ymm0, ($out)
vmovdqu64 32(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 32($out)
vmovdqu64 64(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 64($out)
vmovdqu64 96(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 96($out)
vmovdqu64 128(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 128($out)
# Reset table pointer
%r10, %r11
# Calculate the offset for idx2
$320, %r10d
mov \$red_tbl_idx2, %r10d
# Bump the pointer
%r10, %r11
# Re-zero the temp register
%xmm0, %xmm0, %xmm0
# Copy to the result pointer
160(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 160($out)
vmovdqu64 192(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 192($out)
vmovdqu64 224(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 224($out)
vmovdqu64 256(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 256($out)
vmovdqu64 288(%r11), %ymm0
vmovdqu64 %ymm0, 288($out)
And yeah, this turns out to be a lot faster! I saw a ~4% improvement in throughput for RSA 2k signing and I suspect this would be the same or better for 3k and 4k. Unfortunately, the story does not end here.
III. “Constant Time” (with scare quotes)
If you’re a cryptographer and you’ve made it this far, I’m sorry. I can imagine you screaming into your monitor as you read the previous section.
To explain why a seasoned cryptographer would be getting paroxysmic about the code I pasted above, I need to expand on the definition of the term “constant time”.
Constant Time (without scare quotes)
The part that I knew (which was wrong):
Don’t do things that are not constant in time. For example, division on a computer is not constant unless the divisor is a power of 2.
The part that I learned along the way:
Don’t use secret data to do anything that is not constant in time
because it is a side-channel vulnerability. An attacker can determine
the details of your secrets by watching how long it takes you to do
stuff. If we’d done something like the loop with break
above, this
wouldn’t be constant w/r/t time, but because it’s done with a
multiplication to jump directly to the result we’re looking for, I
thought I was safe.
The part I didn’t learn until I made a fool of myself by offering this optimization:
“Time” in “constant time” actually means time and space. This means you cannot use secret data to determine your memory accesses because an attacker can suss out details about your secrets by watching your memory access patterns. Because the windows we’re using as indices are chunks of the exponent, and the exponent is secret, we can’t use it to control our memory accesses.
Ultimately, it’s the class of functions in OpenSSL et al. that deal with secret data that are called “constant-time”. That’s the extent of its meaning. The problem with this optimization, though, is called “data dependency”—its logic depends on secret data.
How Exactly?
Doing this would require two precise attack vectors, but just knowing it’s possible is enough to avoid it altogether.
- Flush and reload to know the victim process is currently doing an RSA signature by flushing the cache in the attacking process which has the shared library loaded. The attacker can do this because it knows which parts of the program are back in the cache because the library is shared.
- Then a prime and probe attack which does the opposite. The attacking process fills the cache and then tracks which lines are evicted. Through this it records, in order, the distance the pointer moves during an RSA signature, which it knows is happening because of the flush and reload attack. This can then be used to decode the private exponent.
IV. As It Turns Out
So, as it turns out, that original implementation that walks the table
end-to-end and uses vpblend
to copy the right data out was on
purpose! It has to be done this way so memory is always accessed the
same way regardless of what the indices are, preventing the leaking of
any secret information. This is what I get for thinking I was onto something!